From Our Home to Yours


EE Favorite Measuring Spoons

Dear Friends, EE’s very favorite measuring spoons are now available on the website with free shipping just in time for your Christmas shopping! They really are the best — you and everyone you give them to will love them. They are the perfect stocking stuffer! Why are these measuring spoons so special? They nest and are magnetic and color coded. They have…

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French 75

Dear Friends, At the risk of upsetting your fall apple cart, let me jingle an alleluia bell or two. I know, I know . . . it seems so early, but to make your holiday shopping effortless, planning ahead is a must! Since releasing Effortless Entertaining last December, we have realized that many of you enjoy giving Effortless Entertaining as gifts….

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Fall Porchetta

While working on Effortless Entertaining, my graphic designer and my editor kindly observed that there were “no people of color” shown sitting around my table. I responded that I had noticed that, too. While Ed and I have experienced great diversity in our community work and in the schools our children attended, we have not…

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Roasted Fall Vegetables

Dear Friends, Fall has finally arrived, and with the cooler temperatures, we turn to fall recipes with their warm savory flavors and deep colors. In this Dash, I want to share one of my new favorites from the very talented Darren Atkins, executive chef and proprietor of the Burlington, North Carolina-based il Centro Kitchen. Part neighborhood specialty shop…

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Game Day

Our family is always ready for some football! We are Carolina Panthers fans, and for years our tailgates have been organized by a self-proclaimed Executive Committee and supported by countless others through annual financial contributions. During the holidays, when everyone’s families are in town, the size of our tailgate can swell to 100+ family and friends. Although the…

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Summer’s Last Hurrah

Welcome . . . As I chat with friends, I hear a familiar refrain: Where has the summer gone? I have no idea, but I hope you’ve enjoyed every minute of it! Highlights for us were the beach with family and summer nights on our porch at Grandfather — made more special by the fresh summer foods we…

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Beer Can Chicken

Dear Friends, What an exciting year 2018 has been for Effortless Entertaining! Thank you to everyone who has invited me to speak and to all who’ve attended my presentations. I’ve loved being in your communities, reconnecting with old friends, and making so many new ones. I hope you will enjoy the gorgeous photos from the EE event hosted by…

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Frogmore Stew

Welcome . . . God blessed me with a big, raucous, and abundantly loving family! They have truly been God’s gift to me my entire life. Once Ed and I started our own family, they were God’s gift to them, too. My mother’s family came from Lebanon to start a new life in America. We…

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