Sausage and Egg Casserole Menu
Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial
Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Memorial Day is right around the corner. This day gives us the opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices made by all who have served our country. It is foremost a time to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Ed and I visited Normandy last fall. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to learn about and see the sites of this campaign that was like no other. Nicole, our French guide, looked at us when we were saying good-bye on the last day and said, “We will never forget what you did for us.” May we too always remember the men and women who serve.
As we remember those who have served, I also realize that Memorial Day brings an opportunity to be with family and friends. For many of you, it is also the beginning of House Party season at the beach, in the mountains, or in your hometown. There is just a lot of visiting going on during the summer months! When the crowd lands on your doorstep for the weekend, let EE make brunch easy with a menu you can prep and prepare in advance. It’s also a menu that will have your guests going back for seconds!
A couple of notes …
If you don’t want to do the Lindsay Daniel grits, just serve up a pot of stone ground grits cooked on the stovetop. To make extra delish, substitute half-and-half or whipping cream for one-fourth of the water. Add butter too and you can even toss a little cheese in the mix.
The Poppyseed Bread may also be made in muffins or mini-muffins. Reduce your cooking time depending on which you choose.
With gratitude for all who serve and for the occasion to remember,
Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial
Enjoy this easy prep and prepare in advance Brunch Menu!
- Fruit Bruschetta
- Sausage and Egg Casserole
- Lindsay Daniel Grits
- Mixed Fruit
- Poppy Seed Bread
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