Frogmore Stew
Welcome . . .
God blessed me with a big, raucous, and abundantly loving family! They have truly been God’s gift to me my entire life. Once Ed and I started our own family, they were God’s gift to them, too.
My mother’s family came from Lebanon to start a new life in America. We are the Lebanese version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. We all talk at once, we love to dance, and we love to be together.
Since we were kids, we have all gone to the beach — grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins — all in one house! Now it’s my sister, my brother, and me and our families who make this happy pilgrimage each year. Everyone is assigned a night to be in charge of food and games. Over the years we’ve had the Amazing Race, complete with clues that sent us from one end of the island to the other, Cutthroat Cocktails, Superheroes with a Twist, ’80s Lip-Sync Contest, and, of course, Charades. This usually includes a little surprise for newcomers! From the youngest to the oldest, everyone gets in on the action.
We also have the most delicious meals. We have always enjoyed gathering around the table, and we all love to cook. This year, on the night my sister Nikki and my brother-in-law Wayne and I were in charge, we hosted a murder mystery with an amusing cast of characters. No one knows how to make big fun like my sister, who brought all the props. Even the youngest enjoyed their mermaid and lifeguard costumes! Nikki and Wayne also offered one of our favorite family beach menus, Frogmore Stew. One of the things everyone likes on vacation is easy preparation and cleanup — note the use of disposable (or should I say recyclable) pans. Whatever it takes to make it more effortless!
I hope this menu will be part of a fun-filled night with your family and friends!
Frogmore Stew Menu
Our favorite beach menu is full of new recipes that can be prepped and prepared in advance, leaving everyone plenty of time to enjoy the sun and fun!
Sangria *
Crab Poppers *
Cheddar Cheese Ring *
Frogmore Stew *
Tomato and Cucumber Salad *
Gifts and Talents Corn Muffins *
Key Lime Pie
* new recipes
Printer-Friendly Menu, GamePlan & Recipes
Celebrate with a special table!
If you want to style up your Frogmore Stew, consider pans from Golden Rabbit. Yes, a little pricey, but the colors!
Golden Rabbit Lasagna Pan
(16 x 12½ x 4 Lasagna Pan, holds 10½ quarts, with glass lid)
Why not order the plates, too?
Golden Rabbit Dinner Plates (10 ½ in)
Drying your own mint
Dried mint is the secret to DeeDee’s Salad (p. 132 in your guide) and to the Tomato and Cucumber Salad in this menu. Mint is so easy to grow and dry. Thanks to my sister, we still have mint from the plants grown in my grandmother’s garden! When you’re ready to dry your fresh mint, simply remove leaves from the stems and place on newspaper or paper towel for 3-5 days. Once it’s dry, just crumble it into a jar. Voilà!
Family Job Chart
No family beach trip is complete without a Job Chart. Everyone has an assignment each day…Grocery, Trash, Dishwasher, Deck, Tent, etc. In the guide, I also talk about using a Job Jar for your dinner parties, see page 102. Many hands make light work!
Govino Plastic Wineglasses – Glass is not allowed on the beach, but these Govinos are great looking and dishwasher safe.
Murphy’s Naturals Mosquito Repellent Incense Sticks – If the bugs aim to ruin your outdoor fun, try these! EE follower and friend Lucy Amato, whose beautiful shells are on p. 376 of your guide, promises these all-natural repellent sticks really work. We don’t have mosquitoes bothering us in the mountains or on the ninth floor of our building in Charlotte, but Lucy was so enthusiastic about them, I’ve already placed an order!
Back to Nature Crackers – A new favorite cracker – very crisp, great taste, and gluten free. It’s also sturdier than many rice crackers, so it’s great for heavier hors d’oeuvres, such as the Cheddar Cheese Ring.
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