EE Speaks! Now is the time to schedule!
Dear Friends,
I hope you’ve enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s. Our family certainly made a lot of merry merry and happy happy! As always, as the new year begins, I’m excited about its unlimited possibilities and I hope you are too!
I want to begin our year together with a few fun stories about encounters I’ve enjoyed the last few days.
Yesterday in the Harris Teeter check out line … of all places, a woman about my age in the line next to me was looking in my basket and she said, “I’m dying to know what you’re making!” I told her that I was helping host a baby shower on Friday and that I was making a Chicken and Wild Rice casserole. She then asked, “And you put Italian sausage in it?” I told her that I did and that’s it’s fabulous! She then asked where she could find the recipe. Well, of course, I then had to explain that the recipe is in a book I wrote on entertaining.
With that, she jumped up and down and said, “Oh my gosh, I know who you are! My mother gave me your book for Christmas! She heard you speak at Coplon’s in Columbia. I’ve been reading it and marking the pages.” We then, as all good southerners do, hugged as though we had been best friends for years and I thanked her profusely. Of course, we also had to take a picture to send to her mother. I just had to put aside the fact that I was in work out clothes without any makeup!
Today while picking up more Slanted Shot Glasses for the Roasted Root Vegetable Soup we’re serving as a starter. I popped into Sloan next door (how could I resist?) for something cute to wear to the baby shower (don’t tell Ed!). I ran into someone a little younger, who told me she had made the sour cream muffins over the holidays and how easy and delicious they were. Agreed, which is why I made them several times over the holidays and will be serving them Friday.
Another much younger person in the same store told me all about her Sip, S’Mores, and Insanity party she hosted on December 27 for her children, their friends, and their friends’ parents. How fun is that idea? Some of you with younger children and outdoor fire pits or fireplaces should copy that one!
So, why am I telling you these stories?
First, I just love our EE community! I love it when I hear from you and when you tell me what you’re cooking and doing. You all mean so much to me and inspire me more than I can express. I know I’ve said it before, but we can never express our gratitude too much and I am deeply grateful.
I’m also telling you these stories because it reminded me that our community includes all ages. Sometimes people assume that my book is for younger women who are just cutting their entertaining teeth. Not so! It seems all ages enjoy EE! The first story also reminded me that I needed to remind you that if you want me to speak this year, now is the time to be in touch. My schedule is filling quickly. I love traveling throughout the southeast to speak to your groups of friends, garden clubs, churches, and community organizations. Speaking is one of my very favorite things to do as it gives me the opportunity to inspire and equip others to entertain easily and graciously. EE events are always fun and lively … we really do have a great time. Best of all, I hear from so many of our event guests who are entertaining more and enjoying it more too!
Please email me at DeeDee@MyEffortlessEntertaining.com for information or Schedule a Presentation to learn more.
I look forward to hearing from you!
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