From Our Home to Yours


DeeDee’s Rice Salad

Dear Friends, I think Nat King Cole would like my rice salad … it would give him the feeling that he’s toying “with a few vegetables.”  Even better, it’s a perfect accompaniment with anything on the grill. Although it’s not quite Spring, we feel it’s close! We want to be outside even if we still…

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Chicken and Wild Rice Casserole

Dear Friends, March … we long for spring and yet, for most of us, winter keeps rearing its windy, rainy, snowy, head. In North Carolina, we are tempted to pack up our winter coats, but no can do Boo! I just arrived in Atlanta and it’s windy and cold here too. I’m sitting with my…

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Welcome To The Little Black Dress Initiative!

Dear Friends, Welcome to the Little Black Dress Initiative! Karl Lagerfeld’s words are music to my ears as I will be wearing the same Little Black Dress every day this week as part of the Junior League of Charlotte’s fourth annual Little Black Dress Initiative (LBDI). This year the Junior League of Charlotte (JLC) set an ambitious fundraising…

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Apple Pie

Dear Friends, If you are looking for the perfect dessert — weekday or weekends — look no further! Apple Pie.  Yes! It’s just that simple, just that easy … what’s not to love! This is also the perfect pie to take to someone who needs a little love. This pie comes from a cookbook book full of…

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Salmon Kebabs

Dear Friends, If you’re like me, you may be feeling the need to dial it back after Valentine’s and the Presidents’ Day holiday weekend. For those looking for lighter fare, I give you a weeknight favorite that is also special enough to serve guests … Salmon Kebabs. I discovered this recipe the summer I decided to prepare…

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Chocolate Bundt Cake

Dear Friends, Who doesn’t ❤️ a little chocolate for Valentine’s, Galentine’s, or any other day for that matter! Carolyn Gaskin shared this Chocolate Bundt Cake recipe years ago when our children were in play group. True confessions … cake is not one of my favorite desserts and I’m not a great cake maker. I love this…

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Create a Perfect Valentine՚s Dinner Your Guests Will. . . Love

  Welcome . . . This week EE gives you an article featured in ScoopCharlotte for a perfect Valentine’s Dinner your guests will … love! DeeDee Dalrymple, Charlottean, hostess extraordinaire and author of Effortless Entertaining, shows us how to create a fabulous Valentine’s Dinner … effortlessly! I’m excited that my first article for Scoop Charlotte celebrates Valentine’s Day,…

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Super Bowl Vulture Dip

Dear Friends, Whether you’re a football fan or not, the Super Bowl is always a great occasion to gather for good food and fun! For your ravenous fans, I give you the Vulture Dip – sure to disappear before Tom Brady scores his first touchdown. To go with this delicious dip, I give you a…

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