Granola Bars

Photo by Peter Taylor for SouthPark Magazine
Although I’ve tried to ignore all the back-to-school and fall is approaching hoopla, I’m simply unable to avoid it. Bit by bit summer is winding down, and fall is winding up so, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em! With that, I give you a back to school snack all ages will love … Niki Hardy’s Granola Bars, page 254. They are so easy to make! You can also dress them up a bit if you’d like by adding cranberries, mini chocolate chips, raisins, whatever you like. They’re also wonderful just as they are. Grown-ups and little ones love these bars!
Niki Hardy shared this recipe when I was writing Effortless Entertaining. Niki has written her own book, Breathe Again, How to Live Well When Life Falls Apart. Check out the article in SouthPark Magazine featuring Niki and her book and read the first chapter of her book here.
I often say that EE is more than a book. It’s a community. I hope you will enjoy connecting to Niki, her story, and her fabulous Granola Bars!
Granola Bars
1½ cups brown sugar
3 tbsp Lyle’s Golden Syrup
4½ cups old-fashioned oats
Melt together butter, brown sugar, and syrup in the microwave. Stir melted mix into oats.
Line 9×13 baking dish with parchment and spread mixture into dish. Bake at 350° for 20–25 min. Cool completely to cut into bars.
- Recipe may be prepared earlier in the day or 2–3 days in advance.
- Freezes well.