EE Speaks! The time to schedule EE is now!
Dear Friends,
What a wonderful time I’ve enjoyed as I’ve spoken to so many women in North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Texas … Thank you all for having me! I so appreciate your inviting me to speak to such special groups of friends, garden clubs, and community organizations. Most of all, thank you for your gracious hospitality. Thank you also to all who attended an EE event. It’s so much fun to see old friends and make so many new friends!
In this week’s newsletter, I want to let you know that if you’re interested in my speaking in fall 2019 or winter 2020, let’s talk now! My fall schedule is filling quickly and I have started scheduling for winter and spring, 2020. Speaking is one of my very favorite things to do as it gives me the opportunity to inspire and equip others to entertain easily and graciously. EE events are always fun and lively … we really do have a great time. Best of all, I hear from so many of our event guests who are entertaining more and enjoying it more too!
Please email me at DeeDee@MyEffortlessEntertaining.com for information or visit Schedule a Presentation to learn more.
I look forward to hearing from you!
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enjoyed EE events and are entertaining more!
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