Rib Eyes and Salmon Steaks
Dear Friends,
By the time you receive this, May will have raced by. Depending on your season of life, you may be busy with end-of-school-year plays, art shows, science fairs, spring sports ending and summer sports beginning. Maybe you’re enjoying those high school, college, or graduate school graduations? I know there are many of you celebrating weddings — joy! Whatever the May milestone, congratulations!
When my children were young, I loved May because it meant summer was right around the corner — so close I wanted to make a run for it! After months of activities and carpools, I longed for a lack of structure and a laid-back schedule. Even though our children are grown, I still feel this way about May and summer approaching. I can hardly wait for a little more play and a little less work. This is when we stretch out the weekends, stay up a little later on weeknights, and linger on the porch a little longer.
With this newsletter, we are knocking on summer’s door. Enjoy this early taste of summer — let the effortless fun begin!
Grilled Salmon & Rib Eyes Menu
This May menu includes steaks and salmon. Both are super easy to prepare and are sure to please a dinner group that may include guests who prefer one over the other. Slicing the steaks offers a nicer presentation and easier serving and dining for your guests. I served this menu over Memorial Day weekend to rave reviews, with a lot of guests going back for seconds!
- Crabmeat on Endive
- Cheese Board
- Ed’s Best Rib Eyes *
- Grilled Salmon Steaks *
- Tomatoes and Mozzarella *
- Simple Succotash *
- Blueberry Cobbler *
* new recipes
Printer-Friendly Menu, GamePlan & Recipes
Summer is a perfect time for succulents. This arrangement makes for a beautiful and effortless centerpiece on Tricia and Donny Harrison’s mountain house porch all summer and requires little care or attention.
You can DIY or go to your favorite garden shop and ODIFY: have Others Do It For You! That’s what I would do!
Persian Cucumbers
This winter, while many of you were reading articles about summer destinations or new styles, I was reading about cucumbers. I know . . . but this is why you’re an EE member — who else is reading about cucumbers?
I’ve often wondered which were “the best” to use year-round. Now I know: Persian cucumbers. They’re small, thin, and usually sold packaged, vs. loose, in your produce section. They’re also firm, crisp, and taste amazing. The skin is edible, not like the thick, waxy skin on your standard variety. English cucumbers are my second choice, though local and fresh Kirby cucumbers are also very good in the summer. For year-round, though, go with the Persian — you’ll be glad you did!
While you can find Belgian endive in most groceries, if you have a Trader Joe’s in your community, take advantage of their packages of three with a mix of red and green endives. Well priced, the endives from Trader Joe’s also seem to yield more leaves than endives I purchase elsewhere.
Sources & Resources
Beatriz Ball/Melamine Tray – For outdoor dining, Beatriz Ball melamine trays are perfect for your buffet or hors d’oeuvres.
Vietri Lastra Melamine/White Dinner Plate – A stylish melamine dinner plate from Vietri.
Pottery Barn Cabana/ Melamine Rectangular Platter – For a less expensive choice without sacrificing style, consider this option from Pottery Barn.
We Love Member Feedback!
Send us comments and photos of what you’re enjoying!